Install This Update And Permanently Remove Flash From Windows

Install This Update And Permanently Remove Flash From Windows

2021 is the year. The year in which, finally, Flash is history. We cannot deny that this plugin has been essential in the history of the Internet, and web pages are as we know them today thanks, in part, to him. However, currently, this plugin did not bring anything but vulnerabilities and performance issues to web pages. And after a long agony, Adobe has finally abandoned it. Flash is no longer supported, browsers have deleted it, and now it is Windows 10’s turn with KB4577586.

For a long time, everything related to Flash in Windows was received through Windows Update. It was the easiest way to be up to date and, therefore, protected from all kinds of problems. In January 2021, the operating system received a patch that finally disabled the operating system plugin. Unless we install a Flash emulator, this plugin no longer works in the operating system. But it is still in it.

KB4577586 Finally Removes Flash From Windows

A few hours ago, and completely unexpectedly, Microsoft has launched an automatic update through Windows Update. The goal of this update is neither more nor less than to remove Flash from Windows. The update is coming automatically and silently to all users of the operating system. And if we catch it, we can see how its name indicates everything.

KB4577586 Finally Removes Flash From Windows

Once the update is installed, which takes just a few seconds, we will have the PC ready. No reboot is required to complete the installation. And we can verify that it has indeed fulfilled its function by opening the Windows 10 control panel and seeing how the typical Flash entry has disappeared.

This update is available under the same KB code for all users, both for Windows 10 version 20H2 (the latest) and for previous versions that are still supported.

Once this patch is installed, Flash will be gone from Windows forever. And it will not be possible to reinstall it by official means or by uninstalling the patch.

Caution: Flash May Still Be Installed On The PC

After installing this patch, can we forget about everything? The truth is, no. Chrome, Firefox and Edge have already disabled Flash in their browsers to prevent any web from opening such content. And now with the KB4577586 patch , the plugin is gone from Windows 10 forever. But it can still be hidden on our PC.

It may happen that we have installed on the computer some program that depends on Flash and, therefore, its libraries are still on the computer. Or we may have ever installed a specific version of the plugin by hand and therefore it was not automatically removed by the patch.

Since Adobe Flash Player is no longer supported, it is vital to erase everything related to Flash from our computer. Having this software installed is dangerous since it is not supported, and hackers will know vulnerabilities with which they can put us in danger. Only by deleting Flash and everything related to it can we be sure.

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