What Is Backup In The Cloud?

What Is Backup In The Cloud?

Cloud backup can be defined as a system that backs up data, that is, useful information of the company. In the event of an incident, it is important to ensure business continuity by guaranteeing company data and minimizing the damage caused. For this, it is important to implement a backup system in the cloud for companies.


There are several causes that can compromise the information and processes of a company. However, these are the most common cases:

  • Cyberattacks.
  • Natural disasters such as fire or flood.
  • User errors due to lack of training.

The backup in the cloud is located outside the servers and systems of the company so the copy will not be affected.


According to current regulations, companies are obliged to have the best security measures to ensure the data handled by their activity. In this way, having an online backup for companies will avoid possible sanctions for non-compliance with the LOPD (Organic Law on Data Protection).

It is important that the backup in the cloud is carried out by a specialized company with experience in the sector to implement an external backup system that runs automatically and guarantees the recovery of an updated copy if necessary. 

Tech Splashers

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