Sudhakar Boche – Tech Splashers Advanced Tech Talk Sat, 17 Oct 2020 13:09:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sudhakar Boche – Tech Splashers 32 32 Ways Technology Could Save Endangered Species Sat, 17 Oct 2020 12:03:42 +0000 Although when we think about technology the first thing that comes to mind is a

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Although when we think about technology the first thing that comes to mind is a smartphone, an incredibly fast computer or even a drone flying over our heads bringing us a package, technological advance has also improved the lives of animals in many ways and is helping to rescue endangered species.

The example of Cambodia is one of them. This Asian country is home to 16 globally endangered species, such as the Asian elephant, tigers or leopards, many threatened by poaching. Conservationists are working precisely with a Harvard University computer scientist to stop this poaching that is bringing so many species to the brink of extinction.

This is just one of a growing number of collaborations bringing together technologists and conservationists to fight to protect wildlife on the face of the planet.

And when it comes to protecting animals from poachers, habitat loss, pollution and climate change, the challenge is enormous. However, environmental researchers hope that technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), drones, GPS trackers, smart cameras and the cloud can give them the advantage they have been looking for.


SMART (Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool) is a software developed by WWF, the Wildlife Conservation Society and the London and Frankfurt Zoo. This tool was created specifically to protect animals such as elephants, rhinos, snow leopards, and dolphins. It is currently used in more than 2,000 locations around the world to track animal populations. Thanks to SMART, it is possible to collect, analyze and send data on animals, prohibited activities and protection groups, allowing rangers to respond more efficiently to animals in distress and protect the wildlife that lives in vast areas of land.

GPS tracking was one of the first technologies to help researchers monitor and study endangered species. And it still is. With a GPS tracker, scientists can view the location data in real-time, retrieve the tracker, and download the data. For example, the Canadian Wildlife Federation used GPS technology to track leatherback turtles or radio telemetry to track bats.

Internet of things is an important tool to save other types of things. In addition, we cannot forget that two-thirds of rhinos are endangered due to poaching that kills them and takes their horns due to their alleged medicinal properties. The Internet of Things helps keepers to protect these animals but in a very creative way. Instead of paying attention to the rhinos themselves individually, herd animals such as zebras and impalas are monitored. There are many in the reserve and poachers rarely do anything to them.

By Observing the activities of these animals, the defence team can determine if there is a human threat to the reserve. And it is that the animals of the herd tend to group when faced with a lion or another large predator but, when faced with a human, they do not gather, they disperse. This outlier behaviour alerts rangers that someone is in the reserve who shouldn’t be there, and they can quickly dispatch anti-poaching teams to prevent invaders from reaching their target.

Similarly, scientists around the world use a small database to protect endangered species. This study library allows members to access more relevant data systems, thanks to the partnership between the University of Sydney and Amazon Web Services (AWS). the software helps narrow down the work of scientists and allows them to analyze large amounts of data in minutes, not hours, wherever they are in the world.

In the long term, researchers want to share more information about this genome. “The ultimate goal is to set up a comprehensive library of genomics and tools that other researchers and conservation leaders can find to make scientific decisions, ‘said Carolyn Hogg, general manager. According to the United Nations Environment Program, the Earth is in the middle of a crisis, with 150 to 200 species of plants, insects, birds and mammals going extinct every 24 hours. Biologists say it is 1,000 times the rate that is considered natural extinction. And according to a 2019 UN report, about 1 million animal and plant species are endangered, many of which will disappear in decades.

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World Economic Recession Due To Covid-19 Wed, 15 Jul 2020 14:04:13 +0000 Concerned about your company in the global economic recession due to Coronavirus? COVID-19 is a virus that

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Concerned about your company in the global economic recession due to Coronavirus? COVID-19 is a virus that is not only impacting the health of the entire world population but has also directly affected the economic stability of all small businesses. 

This is because the vast majority of them are not digitally prepared to face the economic and health crisis that I know is currently undergoing.


That is why many businesses have had to shorten their investments, even reducing staff to the point of bankruptcy. If you want to know what methods small businesses can use to survive the coronavirus, read on.  

Identify Threats

The first step we must take in order for our company to survive COVID-19 is to identify the threats we face. For this, the most recommended is to make a list of all incidents that affect and that could affect the stability of our company. In this way, we will be able to know exactly in what position our business is currently.

Analyze The Impact Of Threats

Once the circumstances and inconveniences that are affecting the proper functioning of our brand are identified. What we must do is analyze these threats to find out what are the appropriate solutions that guarantee the best possible recovery for the company. 

For this, we can answer certain questions that will provide us with accurate data on the state of the company during the coronavirus, such as: What are the main areas of our business in order to survive the crisis? How many days without production can these areas survive? What would be the impact if these sections stop working? How can we make these sections keep working?

Design A Recovery Plan

By having the necessary information about the state of our company and its possible threats. What we must do is design an effective plan that allows us to start with the recovery of our company. For this, the following recommendations can be taken: 

  • Streamline Costs: In order to streamline costs, we must take an inventory of our resources, in order to reduce those that are not strictly necessary. In this inventory, it is recommended to take data such as suppliers, work personnel, client list, available capital, among others.
  • Work Remotely And Efficiently: In this way, we will be able to optimize our time and that of the working staff from our homes. In order to make this possible, we must use tools that allow us to establish communication between work teams.
  • Appoint A Leader: Depending on the size of our company, the most recommended when working digitally is to assign a leader to each sector. Which is responsible for direct monitoring of workers to ensure that they properly perform the tasks and increase their effectiveness.
  • Invest In Digital Platforms: Once the digital format with the brand’s operational systems is established, the last step to follow is to design digital marketing plans that allow us to reach potential customers and increase the company’s profits.

Test the plan 

Designed the contingency plan, what we should do is a test on lower scales if it works. In this way, we can minimize the risks of loss and improve those inconveniences that may arise. In addition to ensuring that our company can stay afloat even during this pandemic.  

Implement A Positioning Plan

Currently, many companies are decreasing their online marketing and positioning campaigns due to the instability that the coronavirus represents. However, this is one of the main reasons why we must position our brand because the competition is lower. 

To do this, we must start by carrying out campaigns that give users confidence and guarantee their safety. In addition to showing them that our brand is a socially responsible company, which complies with the stipulated prevention measures and is prepared to evolve efficiently by offering the products or services they need. 

Finally, positioning campaigns must show what our value proposition is and how we are contributing to the improvement of this situation. We make this possible by showing each of the strengths of our brand and making known what our company’s vision is for the future. 

Is Digital Marketing An Option For Small Business To Survive The CoronaVirus?

Currently, more than 95% of consumers worldwide think that having a website is essential for all companies. However, only 48% have one. This is because many companies believe that digitization is not necessary, but they do not know that without them the development and growth of their companies decrease. 

The lack of digital marketing in companies means giving up one of the main sources of income during the coronavirus. Currently, companies that use digital platforms can increase their sales or conversions by 35%. That is why, if we have the right digital marketing strategies, our company will be able to survive this economic crisis caused by COVID-19. 

For example, if our brand depended solely on sales that are made physically, with the preventive quarantine that many people have made, sales would decrease exponentially. While if we have an online platform we can continue to generate income even from our home, without putting our users and work staff at risk. 

What Are The Recommendations That Small Companies That Have Not Digitized Their Brands Should Follow

The main step is to start digitizing your brand by creating a website and implementing digital marketing strategies. This allows your company to continue searching for new customers to generate stable income that keeps the company afloat. 

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